Amy Flowers Spotlight Video
A video directed, produced and edited by me on half of the Marcus Harris Foundation; a spotlight video on one of their volunteers. This video was produced remotely, I helped coach and guide members of the foundation in order to capture the footage. All footage is courtesy of the foundation.

Central Faceoff (Episode 2)
Central Faceoff was a show I helped create and produce as a showrunner. I was responsible for generating show ideas, booking guests, promoting the show and assisting with the operation of the studio floor. The show revolved around interviewing student organizations and then having our guests compete in a video game. For a few episodes, I even helped operate the show from our studio control room. In this particular episode, I was on the studio floor assisting while needed, in addition to ensuring the guests I booked (International Student Organization) had their needs met. 
Show Me Justice Film Festival Bumper
A bumper I made for the 2020 Show Me Justice Film Festival. The idea was to capture the themes of environmentalism through nature.
Sony NX5U
Manfrotto Light Duty Tripod
IKan 2-Point LED Flood Light Kit
Sony UTX-B2
A 15-second advertisement spot of a fictional company that provides a hotline for those in need of a band name. The idea was to showcase absurd musicians giving testimonials of the hotline. The commercials served as a showcase of the dedication this fictitious company has towards their consumer base in a humorous way​.
Sony NX5U
Manfrotto Light Duty Tripod
Electro-Voice RE20
IKan 2-Point LED Flood Light Kit
AT2020 P48
A 15-second version of the 1-800-BANDIT commercial, this time, featuring a new band. The "song" was accomplished by running one of my guitars through two overdrive effects and recording the amp signal on several tracks alongside noise, sampled drums, screaming and even the sound of a quarter hitting the pickup of the guitar.
A Spotlight on Spotlight (October 2020)
Sony NX5U
Manfrotto Light Duty Tripod
Electro-Voice RE20
Sony UTX-B2
IKan 2-Point LED Flood Light Kit
A short independent news package covering the University of Central Missouri student organization Spotlight and the activities they hosted for the month of October in 2020. Audio, videography, writing, production and editing were done by me.
Quarantine Review
Sony NX5U
Manfrotto Light Duty Tripod
Sony UTX-B2
IKan LED Flood Light (Camera Mounted)
A tongue in cheek "product review" of my experience with a two-week quarantine I had to endure during the COVID-19 pandemic. This short was written, recorded, produced and edited entirely by me whilst I was in quarantine.

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