Flourraid Commercial (Fake Radio Commercial)
This project is a radio commercial I made for a fictional brand of toothpaste that is radioactive. Although it is a faux commercial and was never aired, I developed it as if it were a real commercial. The duration of the commercial is the industry standard for radio and does not feature abhorrent content.  I wrote, performed, produced, and edited this commercial excluding the music and prerecorded sound effects.
Prism Interview
This project is a radio-style interview I did with members of Prism, University of Central Missouri's LGBTQ+ club. Sections of this audio were recorded in-field. In addition, some of the sections were recorded during the 2020 COVID19 pandemic. I recorded and conducted the interviews in this project in addition to producing and editing the audio.
Fresh or Hot Garbage?
This project was a soft pilot for a music podcast I produced during my university studies. The purpose of the podcast was to discuss negatively received album releases while analyzing the music present in an album. In the end, it was ultimately decided between my associate and me if the album was deserving of the criticism. This particular episode was about Radiohead's The King of Limbs and features my associate Abram Tabor. I recorded, edited and produced this project during the global 2020 quarantine for the COVID19 pandemic.
The Coffee Break Veteran's Day
The Coffee Break was a college radio project that I wrote, produced, recorded, edited and managed for my associate. Most episodes followed an interview-style format with some exceptions. In this episode, we interviewed Kelly Murphy, Director of the Military and Veterans Center at the University of Central Missouri (Murphy later went on to be the season one champion of "Tough as Nails" on CBS. More episodes are archived on MixCloud.
Journey Can Commercial
A commercial I edited, produced, wrote and recorded for the Journey Can, A product that was sold among the University of Central Missouri community. The product was the result of a project requirement for students part of the Harmon School of Business. I helped promote the product through student radio by leading the production of this commercial.
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